The innovation nature of floating furniture is represented by the light weight, functionality and striking design of the items.
Innovation and design: Floating Design

The free-standing structure has been devised to created totally suspended furnishing elements, inside of which electricity, plumbing and home automation systems can be inserted.

As well as being light and extremely versatile, the structure is especially suitable for open space settings such as loft apartments and the redevelopment of industrial and
commercial buildings: freedom to shape environments without being restricted by the existing systems.
commercial buildings: freedom to shape environments without being restricted by the existing systems.

The components
The primary advantage of floating furniture is undoubtedly the optimisation of space and the complete absence of internal walls, as well as the limitation of lighting elements and water drainage systems. The system of cables running through the structure has also been devised and created to facilitate inspection, monitoring and technical assistance.

Boosting energy efficiency
The floating components also guarantee a more efficient distribution of hot air, so in the
case of underfloor heating systems, heat convection is not hindered by the furniture.
case of underfloor heating systems, heat convection is not hindered by the furniture.

Floating furnishings make it easier to reach all parts, and to clean and sanitise all areas.